How to Fix FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text) in React

Firmansyah Yanuar
2 min readJan 2, 2021


Example of Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT)

Can you see font is changing from default to expected font? That's called FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text). This happend cause your browser is rendered element before your font has loaded. It makes your website look cheap and you look like a beginner. 😟

Be grateful because in 2021 there is already an API to solve this problem. The name is FontFaceSet API, you can check the documentation here.

Let’s get started!

#0 FYI

I am using fontsource to import my external font. Just because, I am using the gatsby framework. It doesn't matter what you use, because this method works on any framework. Including the non-react framework.

import "@fontsource/merriweather"

#1 Create state

const [isReady, setIsReady] = useState(false);

First we create a state to store the state whether the website is ready to render or not.

return (isReady &&
{/* Your component goes here */}

Don’t forget to add a condition if the state shows it’s not ready, then don’t render the element.

#2 Check & Load fonts

To check the font we use FontFaceSet as follows:

useEffect(() => {
document.fonts.load("12px Merriweather").then(() => setIsReady(true));
}, [])

Merriweather is fontface name, you can change that. 12px is dummy fontSize to check. The following line of code is a Promise so that we can add commands when the font has been successfully loaded.

#3 And wallaaaaa…


Thanks for your time to read this post. This is my first post on, i hope i can keep on writing on this platform 😆 . If you don't mind please give a reaction to support me. 💗



Firmansyah Yanuar
Firmansyah Yanuar

Written by Firmansyah Yanuar

katanya sih developer, tapi suka greget sama desain dan pengen jualan...

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